Apprentice VFL Day

As part of our Level 2 Minerals Processing Mobile and Static Plant Operator apprenticeship, MP Skills took a cohort of apprentices on a Visible Felt Leadership (VFL) day hosted by Heidelberg Materials UK at Ketton Works.

VFL focuses on leadership that is both visible to every employee and felt by them as genuine. This form of leadership is key to building trust within an organisation, fostering a culture where everyone from top to bottom believes in and adheres to the company’s values. It aims to,

  • Break Down Barriers: It bridges the gap between management and employees, fostering a unified culture.
  • Lead by Example: Demonstrates the organisation’s values in action, encouraging employees to follow suit.
  • Build Credibility: Shows that leaders are approachable and genuinely invested in their team's success.
  • Increase Engagement: Engages employees by making them feel valued and heard.
  • Promote Two-Way Communication::Encourages open dialogue, leading to constructive conversations and better ideas.

The day emphasised that true leadership is more than just occasional visibility on the shop floor. It requires consistent and genuine engagement, demonstrating values through actions and interactions. Leaders must immerse themselves in the day-to-day operations, not just as observers but as participants, to understand the challenges and successes experienced by their employees.

It is one of the ways that the MP Skills apprenticeship seeks to go beyond the remit of the apprenticeship standard. By engaging with experienced professionals such as Tim Fox, Cement and Quality Manager, Heidelberg Materials UK, the students are able to see and understand the variety of different quarry activities. Ketton Works, for instance is a contrast to other quarries where many of the students normally work.

Additionally the apprenticeship offers valuable peer networking face-to-face, encouraging discussions on both product and process. The cohort saw the control room and its ability to control many of the activities remotely. Students are encouraged to think holistically about the operation and share best practice. 

For MP Skills apprentices, the day at Ketton Works was not just an educational experience but a practical demonstration of leadership that could inspire their future careers in the minerals processing industry. 

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Mineral Products Qualifications Council, National Stone Centre, Porter Lane, Wirksworth, DE4 4LS

0115 983 5755

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